Monday, November 28, 2011

Original Piece #5

This is an acrostic poem created in lieu of the fraternity "Tau Kappa Epsilon."
The poem reads as follows:

The Halloween party, Saturday night,
A nice fun adventure, such a delight,
Under the moon, in the house of the guys,
Keeping our cool, we were staying quite wise,
Acting aloof, in our costumes we dance,
Playing the part, and then changing our stance,
People dancing everywhere, left and right,
All around the room, under the black light,
Everyone was having, a lot of fun,
Partying until, they felt they were done,
Soon I had to leave, walk back to my room,
I was feeling quite down, a little gloom,
Looking back I kind, of wish I had stayed,
Oh I wonder if, I could have got laid,
Nice party I said, I left unafraid.

Not only is this an acrostic poem, it is an acrostic poem that rhymes and is in iambic pentameter.  The rhyme scheme consists of: AA BB CC DD EE FF GGG.  Since there were an odd number of lines, I had decided to make the last three words have the same rhyme.  After putting the first letter of each of the words together, you get the phrase "TAU KAPPA EPSILON," the name of my community.

The target audience is anyone who is a part of, or enjoys the fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon.  My poem also appeals to those who enjoy poetry, acrostic poetry, or stories incorporated in poetry.  I really enjoyed how I incorporated the Halloween Party from my field notes, into one, fifteen line iambic pentameter poem.  The poem illustrates the feel of the party, gives a picture of how the party progressed, and describes my emotions throughout the party.

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