Sunday, November 27, 2011

Original Piece #4

This is a self-made Pokémon card made in honor of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Under the word (which in normal Pokémon would be called a move) "Charity" it reads: "Flip a coin.  If heads, heal one of your benched Pokémon by 30 points.  If tails, heal one of your opponent's benched Pokémon by 30 points."  Under the move "Esteem" it reads: "After raising your confidence with Esteem, Charity's effect is doubled during your next turn.  However, after using Esteem, discard all energy cards on Tau Kappa Epsilon."  The description beneath the words that are under Esteem, read as follows: "Tau Kappa Epsilon is a fraternity committed to excellence.  For years Tau Kappa Epsilon has challenged college men to develop themselves, and their leadership abilities."  The card states that the illustrator was Ronald Reagan.

I made this Pokémon card using:

I used the name of the fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon, as if it were the name of a Pokémon, and put it wherever a Pokémon's name would go.  For instance, where it says "discard all energy cards on Tau Kappa Epsilon;" a normal Pokémon card would read: (for example, the Shining Charizard card from the inspiration piece) "discard all energy cards on Shining Charizard."  A Pokémon's level cannot be higher than one hundred, but since Tau Kappa Epsilon has been around for one hundred and twelve years, I decided to make that it's level.

The target audience would still be, as with my other originals, anyone involved in, or wanting to be a part of, Tau Kappa Epsilon.  However, it would also include people who enjoy Pokémon cards.  Anybody can appreciate the crafts of the card that I have made.  Using the information from I was able to include subtle facts into my card.  As I said above, the fraternity is one hundred and twelve years old, so I subtly included that in the card's level.  I also included Ronald Reagan's quote, "Tau Kappa Epsilon is a fraternity committed to excellence.  For years Tau Kappa Epsilon has challenged college men to develop themselves, and their leadership abilities" from his Youtube video that can be found on

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