Sunday, November 27, 2011

Original Piece #2

The above image is a screen-shot of the instructions for two ways to have fun in TKE.  Using a step-by-step process, these instructions describe two different ways that the person I interviewed, Pancho Garin, told me he and some guys did to have fun.  Since Pancho gave me two different ways that they have fun, I decided that instead of having two separate instruction sets, that I would incorporate both of them into one set of instructions with two separate options.

The audience that this targets, is anyone who is interested, or a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon, or anyone who is looking for ways to have fun.  Using the ideas of how Pancho had fun with other members of TKE, I created a step-to-step process of how one might be able to relive those memories that he had.  Though it doesn't describe what it means for someone to be in Tau Kappa Epsilon, the descriptions of how they have fun, lives on.

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